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Junior Update - Project Restart (Aug 2020)

B&W Comms

Dear All,

As some of you may be aware, England Hockey recently announced that in relation to restrictions due to Covid-19, we could now move to “Stage 4”.  This is the news we have been eagerly awaiting, as it allows us to now train and play competitively. Unfortunately, it does come too late to start any junior sessions during August because whilst we might be ready and willing, our hockey venues are not.  Winterbourne have told us that they will open at the beginning of September and so based on that, we aim to have our first junior training session on the first Monday in September, which will be Monday 7 September.  We can’t wait to see you all again!

This year we will be starting the session at 6:30 p.m. and because we have moved one of our men’s training sessions, we now have the use of the whole pitch, all evening.  As with last year, we will run the coaching session for an hour and after that, there will be a game session for the over 12s (typically another hour but sometimes longer...!)

Not starting until September also gives us plenty of time to put in place what is required in terms of Covid-19 protection measures.  Whilst England Hockey have allowed us to move to Stage 4, this is only under the agreement that we will conform with strict conditions.  There are also similar conditions that the school will impose on us.

A summary of the England Hockey requirements entitled “Return to playing hockey safely” can be viewed at the following link.  Please watch this video as is contains very important information.  More information can also be found here;

In order for your child to participate in our training session, there are two vital steps that you must complete at least 24 hours before the first session and can be completed today. These are:

  1. You must complete the England Hockey Covid-19 “Participation Agreement” that you will also find here.  Once you have done that your details will automatically be sent to our appointed Covid-19 officer, Dan Ott.  Unless you have completed this on behalf of your child, your child will not be permitted to participate in any hockey sessions.

  2. We need to know exactly who will be at training and so you must to complete the Bristol & West HC membership/registration form here.  If you do not do this, we cannot register you on the day, as registration will now be done using our mobile devices.  

In the event that anyone attends training, or a match, and develops Covid-19 symptoms within 3 days, they MUST contact the Club’s Covid-19 Officer immediately, so that this may be reported. The email address for this purpose is Please note that Winterbourne are also imposing a limit of 60 people on the pitch (latecomers could be disappointed!) and that parents and spectators must conform to social distancing while at the school premises. Currently the school are also “recommending” that there are no spectators and that parents and carers wait in their cars.  This is not ideal, and we will be asking whether this can be relaxed as long as social distancing is maintained.

We have not increased the cost of our sessions this year and so it remains at a bargain cost of only £2 per session or £40 per year.  Owing to the risk of handling cash, we would really appreciate it if people could pay £40 on line, but we understand that many prefer the pay-as-go option.

This junior per year fee of £40 can be purchased here.

Finally, a reminder about our ongoing club fitness sessions on a Monday, at which I am so pleased to see so many juniors.  Why don’t you come along too (with your parents) to the Hambrook village Green on Mondays from 7.30pm until the end of August.  Welcoming, fun, only a little bit tiring and completely free!

Best wishes

Andy Bryce - Head Junior Coach

Maria Goodwin – Parent liaison Officer  -

Hannah Sabine – Club Welfare Officer –

Dan Ott – Covid-19 Officer –

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