The new season brings a new chance for Fantasy Hockey and we have a new an improved scoring structure, which is detailed on the site for the link below.
The new structure being set up has caused a bit of a delay (so apologies there!) but please get involved with the competition which starts this Saturday.
Start date: 28 September 2019
Cost: £10 to Club Account (details below)
Account Name: Bristol & West HC
Account No: 75529165
Sort Code: 52-10-48
Reference: FANTHOCK *Name*
^ please add a reference to the payment, it will help the club keep track of things 🙂
• Pay & Create team before Friday midnight to score points for the first week.
• The more of you that sign up, the more prizes we can give out! Prize structure will be announced on the league website once all payments have been made - most likely monthly top 3 and end of season top 3!
• If you would like to be added to the league please message Harry Bryant, myself or your team's fantasy league Rep.
Kind regards
Dan Ott
Membership, Recruitment & Communications Secretary