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2020/2021 Season Junior Newsletter #2

B&W Comms

Dear All,

As many of you might have already seen from our club website, we will be re-starting junior hockey training on Monday 29 March at Winterbourne Academy (the Ridings). As before, the U12s session will start at 6:30 p.m. and then the O12s from 7:30 p.m.

We are all really excited about re-starting and seeing everyone again. It has of course been so disappointing that after such a great start to the season, so much hockey has been lost. However, what we are planning is to make up for that lost time and extend the junior sessions beyond Easter. Further to that, if the demand is there, we could carry on throughout the summer!

If you paid for all the sessions at the beginning of the season, you of course won’t need to pay anymore given how many sessions have been lost. Otherwise, it will remain £2 per session.

I would also like to look at the possibility of arranging some friendlies with other clubs, but it is a little too early to say whether that will be possible.

I look forward to seeing you all on Monday 29 March!


I’m sure that most of you will have met and spoken to Maria Goodwin who for several years has been our fabulous Parent Liaison Officer. With Mark Berry, she has been the lady greeting you at the gate and frankly, we could not have run the COVID safe sessions last year without her help. However, now that both her children are moving out of the junior section and into adult hockey she understandably, would like to hand over to another parent.

The role of parent liaison is crucial and it is also a club committee post. The role includes meeting parents and helping with any queries, and taking a little of the admin work away from the coaches so that they can spend the maximum amount of time preparing sessions and coaching. However, the role also involves providing feedback the parents and children to the coaches and crucially, advising and supporting juniors in making the transition to adult hockey.

I really hope that there is a parent or (maybe several to share the role) who could please volunteer and take over form Maria when she steps down at the end of this year? If you are interested please get in touch with me or even better, have a chat with Maria when you see her on Monday evenings.

Best regards

Andy Bryce

Lead Junior Coach (07831 591808)


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